Sunday, July 24, 2011

Forum Update

Until we have enough usable data compiled to build a searchable database, the forums are basically where the information we are trying to provide is located. Because of the scope of this project, after populating the forums ith a few food banks we know, we are going through state by state, picking the three or four largest cities in each state to research for now. Once this data is compiled, we will have downloadable forms at the Hobo's List website so that you may print them and distribute them wherever homeless people gather.

The ultimate idea is simple: keep several cards in your glovebox and hand them out when you see a panhandler on the streetcorner. It's a grassroots approach, but one I personally feel is better than walking away hoping that you didn't accidentally abandon someone in need.

As always, if your church, group, or ministry is not listed on the forums, you may register and post it on there. It would certainly save me some time and effort, and if you simply email, it might be awhile until I get to it. I hope to have postings from all fifty states finished by next weekend, and once done with that, can ocus on expanding and improving.

If you look at the main website, you will note several changes in the wording. In  the course of doing my research, I was reminded that: 1, there is a vast difference between homeless and hoboes; and 2, that hoboes are still an active culture in America, even if we often see them as remnants of the past.

I hope you will contribute constructive criticism trough the building process, and that you will help me to get the word out about the list. After all, in times like these, we need to help each other out.

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